Developing Your Presence

make people want to talk with or listen to them?  Presence – or charisma – is an intriguing quality that some people seem to have naturally. They tend to be better at influencing, at forming relationships, at being remembered – all critical components of personal and business success. And yet “presence” can also be learned, with increased awareness and practise. Here are 10 ways to develop your presence. 1. Observe people you think of as having “Presence”. How do they engage with you? What do they say and do?    How do they dress, sit, walk and gesture? 2. Get feedback from people you genuinely trust – ask them about your presence and impact and what you could work on. 3. Take a presentation or media skills course, see an image consultant, join a choir, join Toastmasters or get into Am Dram. Presence starts with inner confidence and all of these will help to build yours.  You’ll get invaluable feedback if you are open to it. 4. Be real with people. Authenticity is key to having presence – being genuinely interested in people and their lives, and being honest about yourself, to an appropriate level. 5. Be mindful of your boundaries. People with presence generally know what behaviour is appropriate and when – such as being emotionally tuned in whilst not becoming overly emotional, or being composed when a crisis is happening, and not treating clients or subordinates as if they were your best mates from down the pub. 6.  best on line viagra, buy nexium in mexico. Develop your meeting leading skills. By developing your group management skills you’ll learn a great deal about presence and impact. 7. Work on your networking. Think of it as developing relationships, not about working a room. The more interactions you have with others, the more you’ll be developing your presence. 8. Read books on great leadership, presenting, confidence, communication, influencing etc. 9. Make reflection a habit. Keep a diary of when you felt your presence showed and when it did not – what were your learnings? 10. Work with a leadership coach who can help you by supporting, challenging and inspiring you to be the very best you can be!>